Currently Reading…

Hiya! Okay so I want to start a new like series kinda thing. So I realised that it’s hard for me to set a deadline for myself to finish a new book every week and give myself time to enjoy the book and really discover it’s meaning. It often feels as if I’m just rushing…

First Post!

Ahhhhhhh*screams in the most teenage girl way ever*. HELLO INTERNET! I mean the chances are I’ll still be the only one reading this post around this time next year, but it just feels so surreal. I’ve wanted to blog forever ago I just didn’t know one thing that I was passionate about. I enviously eyed…

Quick Breakfast Fix

This is so easy it probably shouldn’t have a recipe. But here it is anyway! And you can stay for the pictures. Serves 1 Ingredients 1/4 cup of greek yoghurt 1/4 cup of whole milk approx. 1 handful of ready-made granola OR mixed nuts and dried fruits 1 large apricot   Method Mix together the…