I’m Baaaaack!

A story of procrastinating,sleep and more procrastinating.

Hello. Guess who’s NOT disappeared off the face of the planet. So eerrr… I BLAME MATHS!

Just kidding, I’m back and I’ve got so much in store I’ve just not got round to writing it. I’m probably the best person at procrastinating you ever knew. Let’s just say my plan to get soo much work done usually ends up in sleep after the first task. But main reason I’m writing this is to say that there is more coming the blog is still alive and so am I. School’s been a little crazy and everything has just felt a little last-minute all of the time. Hopefully, as we’re nearing the end of the year it gets a little less busy so I can make more time for blogs. I’m hoping to do more blogs about what I’ve been getting up to during the summer so it’s not all same old same old. You might notice that I’ve deleted the old enchilada recipe, but I promise that there will be a new one up on the blog VERY SOON, I’ve already made it and taken pictures so all I have to do is write it up. Just so you have an idea how I’m trying to make time. This update was written in the school library!




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